Welcome To
The Real Bible Truth
The Christadelphians
Who we are
The Christadelphians are a body of believers in Jesus Christ whose faith is based wholly on the Bible. Our aim is to live by faith in Jesus Christ, according to his teaching and those of his followers from the first century AD.
We believe that those who follow Jesus and his apostles, looking for strength and forgiveness from God, may confidently place their hope in Christ’s return to the earth, when he will grant eternal life to his people and establish the long awaited Kingdom of God here on earth.
Free Public Lectures
Live-Streamed on our Facebook and YouTube Pages
Christ for king
As the United States prepares for another election, Christadelphians look to their Bibles.
Americans will think about who to choose at the ballot box this November, but have you thought about God’s choice for king over the whole earth?
The world's issues are only growing. A new president will soon be taking office, and many are looking at this election as a means to bring about solutions to the problems we face. Yet will this candidate be able to provide this change?
We suggest only Jesus Christ will be able to provide the lasting change this earth needs.
This September and October, we will hold two seminars addressing this topic. Attend in person or stream online from our Facebook page
First Tuesday Series
Each month, the Moorestown Christadelphians host a public lecture which can be streamed live on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm EST. These talks cover a variety of topics and current events, and are meant to expose the biblical perspective.
The world is full of troubles and anxiety, yet the Bible has an answer for every scenario. Please tune in and see what God has to say about the current state of the world, and what he has planned for it.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
II Tim 2:15
"Come out of her, my people..."
A series of five public presentations that were delivered revealing the real Bible truth and how it relates to the hand of the Catholic Church through the ages.